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Who We Are


Fusion Quartz Bangers 14mm and Butane Torches

At Fusion, we’ve never taken things for granted. Our passion for knowledge found us scrutinizing the quartz banger with the eyes of a scientist and the unwavering love of a true connoisseur. We saw what worked, then we saw why it worked. And then we wanted to make it better.

But a banger takes more than a slab of quartz. Multiple pieces need to be honed and shaped, then married together in painstaking processes that, when done right, leave next to no trace. We had the science. We had the fundamentals. But we needed something more. That’s when, like so many pioneers that came before us, our eyes turned to the stars. We looked deep into the black void of space and realized that sometimes greatness was found in places that couldn’t be seen and materials that couldn’t be felt. We traced the contours of sacred geometry, lapsed into metaphysical walkabouts and allowed our minds and hearts to take us where our feet couldn’t.

Fusion Banger and Dab Nation

Our quartz bangers lived up to the name Fusion with seamlessly fused joints creating the look and feel of a solid piece of crystal as opposed to some of the messy, gloopy, warped joints we’d come across over the years. We also polished our design with some of our all-time favorite features in a quartz bucket, like a beveled lip for a tighter seal and a thick bottom for prime heat retention. But it was the details that went beyond the physical world that really imbued the Fusion banger with its essence.

We wanted to take the success we’d found with our dab bangers and bring that same balance of practical science and esoteric philosophies to create an entire product line. Our next step took us to refillable dab torches, offering the versatility of a double-flame design with all the bells and whistles: rugged brass nozzle, anti-flare tech and precision flame control.

We’re now hard at work in our Los Angeles headquarters, finetuning designs for all manner of quartz products and dabbing essentials with the same spirit as ancient alchemists or prehistoric astronauts. Soon, Fusion will be applying our unique balance of the physical and the spiritual to dab mats, terp slurpers, carb caps, terp pearls, dab tools and more. A thirst for knowledge is never easily satisfied, but we invite you to sit at our table, learn as we learn, and search for the truths beyond the obvious.